203 1st Ave NE, Waverly, IA 50677

Sixth Corporal Mose H. Robinson

Sixth Corporal Mose H. Robinson was born on May 17, 1834 in East Quebec, Canada and died December 2, 1919 in Waverly, IA.

Mose H. Robinson entered the Infantry on June 1, 1861, in Independence, IA, served during the Civil War era and reached the rank of Sixth Corporal before being discharged on August 11, 1865 in Nashville, TN.

Mose H. Robinson is buried at Harlington Cemetery in Waverly, Iowa and can be located at 42° 42.929' N 092° 28.173' W

  • Wounded in Action: Yes

Armed Forces Grave Registration

Promoted 6th. Corp. 3-1865 trans from Co/E. 5th Inf. 8-81864 veteranized 2-8-1864
Moved to Clinton NY in 1861 and 2 years later to Dekalb Ill. about 1857 he came to Independence Ia. from which place he enlisted and after the war came to Waverly Ia1 in Bremer Co. He entered on 80 acres of land inWarren Co. in 1857 althojgh he was living ij Buchanon Co. On July 10, 1861 he was married to Sarah J Wright of Endependence Ia. a native of NY. To them were born six daughter and one son. Four receded Mr in death and the wife died on May 10, 1910. He came to Bremer Co. in 1865 and lived on the same place from 1865 until 1903. He moved to a small acreage near Waverly at that ti ie and did truck farming. He was here he died Dec. 2 1919 He first enlisted on Co. E. 5 Ia. Inf. as a Pvt. and was disch. at Chattanooga Tenn. on Aug. 8 1864 and the remaining members o[f] the Co. were transferred to Co. 5 Ia. Cav. as 6 /Corp. under Capt. Wm. Simboc[??] Was left for dead on the firld at the battle of Pulaski and carried wounds for the remainder of his life.

[No government-issued headstone 05/07/2014. Headstone also reads: “Father.”] wsr.k12.ia.us