203 1st Ave NE, Waverly, IA 50677

Private Eldo August Michael

Private Eldo August Michael was born on February 23, 1898 in Monona, IA and died October 14, 1918 in France.

Eldo August Michael entered the United States Army on July 23, 1918, in Waverly, IA, served during the World War I era and reached the rank of Private before being discharged on October 14, 1918 in France.

Eldo August Michael is buried at Harlington Cemetery in Waverly, IA, Iowa and can be located at 42° 42.912' N 092° 28.271' W

  • Died in Service: Yes

Armed Forces Grave Registration

Auto Rept Draft camp Pick Ci. I.S.A.R.D.A.E.F. He died of Fly Pheumonia in France was buried there and the boyd was later returned to U.S. He was first sent to Cam Pike Ark. for training, 2 months sent to New Jersey camp and they overseas. His body was the first American soldiers returned home.

[NWJ: Information verified by Form No. 724-8, A. G. O.]

[Student states this veteran was born 02/23/1893] Neal W. Jarnagin
[No government-issued headstone or marker 05/07/2014] Neal W. Jarnagin
[Other writing on the headstone: CO. 1. S A.R.D Buried here. Sept. 26. 1919] wsr.k12.ia.us”